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  • alf6078

Are You In or Out?

Many Chiropractic patients (especially those new to care) make the mistake of crediting the 'adjustment' for healing them, or taking away their pain.  Actually, adjustments don't heal ANYTHING... it's the time you stay IN adjustment, allowing your innate intelligence to heal you, that produces the result.


Healing is a process of re-creating yourself - replacing sick, old, tired cells with newer, stronger ones over time.  The quality of those new, replaced cells depends on your body's natural recuperative abilities to work uninterrupted.  Chiropractic adjustments simply keep your nerve system clear long enough, providing enough 'in order' time for innate to accomplish the job.


Ultimately, it's the doctor inside you (plus time) that mends and keeps you well, not the thrust from the Chiropractor.  So don't make the mistake of 'falling in love' with your adjustments.  Rather, fall in love with the Life you'll enjoy when you remain IN adjustment.

What are my next steps? Fill out our contact form here. Or just give us a call.

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